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@ Lyu |u{yu{@GustavoMox@ 2024N727(y) 20:05 @Mail

<h2>Quzy~s |y |u{yu{y u{ r 2024 st</h2>

<p>B 2024 st ~{ qrz u~y{y t|wpu ut|psp ru ~ru y ~ru uu~y t| ttuwp~y y r rpu} t}u. ^|u{yu{yu u{y p~r ru q|uu |~}y q|pstp ruz u{yr~y y tqr r y|xrp~yy. B } qxu } p}y} <a href="https://all-about-health.ru">SOP-20 |u{yu{y u{ r 2024 st</a>, {u xp|wy|y r~y}p~yu |xrpu|uz y {ur. Bq |u{yu{z u{y }wu xpryu }~wurp p{r, r{|p y {y, }~ y t|~yu|~u ~{yy.</p>

<li><strong>1. Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 6100</strong> - O|ypu r{z }~ y t}p~~} tyxpz~}, quuyrpu |y~ y{ y quuw~u ~u~yu { xqp} y tu~p}.</li>
<li><strong>2. Oral-B Genius X 10000</strong> - T}~p u{p u~|syuz y{ru~~s y~u||u{p t| u~p|yxyrp~~z y{y.</li>
<li><strong>3. Fairywill FW-507</strong> - Atwu~z rpyp~ y} ~pq} ~{yz, r{|p pz}u y px|y~u uwy} y{y.</li>
<li><strong>4. Waterpik Sonic-Fusion</strong> - Zu{p ru~~} yysp} t| {}|u{~z sysyu~ |y p.</li>
<li><strong>5. Colgate Hum</strong> - T}~p u{p ~{yuz y~~yxpyy }qy|~} y|wu~yu} t| |uwyrp~y sup.</li>
<li><strong>6. Sonicare DiamondClean HX9332/04</strong> - Pu}y}-}tu| r{z pz ryqpyz y ~u{|{y}y uwy}p}y y{y t| {}|u{~s tp.</li>
<li><strong>7. Oral-B Pro 3000</strong> - Itup|~z rq t| u, { yu ~ptuw~ u{ qpxr}y, ~ u{yr~}y ~{y}y.</li>
<li><strong>8. BURST Sonic Toothbrush</strong> - I~~rpy~~p u{p |p-u{yr~z y{z y t|yu|~} ru}u~u} pq p{{}|p.</li>
<li><strong>9. Amabrush</strong> - Zu{p pr}pyu{y} yu~yu}, {p }y~y}yxyu y|y y ru} ~p t xp xqp}y.</li>
<li><strong>10. Xiaomi So White</strong> - Su~|sy~p u{p }~wur} uwy}r pq y |y~} ~u~yu} u~ y {purp.</li>

<p>^y u{y utpr| qz |y ~uq| p t~ ~p ~{u }tu|uz, y {pwtp yx ~y y}uu ry ~y{p|~u qu~~y. E|y r yuu |yz q ttuwyrp y r rpu} t}u, p{wu ~u xpqtu p}u <a href="https://all-about-health.ru">pru rpq</a>, {u }s p |y~} t|~u~yu} { rpuz qrz u~y{u.</p>

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